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Архитектура не существует вне контекста, но она же его и создает. Серия лекций европейских архитекторов, которые посвящены архитектуре и контексту.
Архитектура и контекст
Серия лекций европейских архитекторов
в Архитектурном коворкинге Центрального Дома архитекторов.
Куратор проекта – Глеб Соболев.
Архитектура не существует вне контекста, но она же его и создает. Новые здания могут взаимодействовать с окружением мимикрируя, создавая нюансы или контрасты а могут и уничтожать его. Проблема контекстуальности архитектуры стоит очень остро в России с её исчезающими традициями деревянного строительства, которое формировало русские города столетиями. Очень быстро, за последние 25 лет, изменился и социальный контекст архитектуры.
Серия лекций европейских архитекторов, которые проходят в Архитектурном коворкинге Центрального Дома архитекторов, посвящена архитектуре и контексту, контексту природному, социальному, материальному. Одновременно с лекциями проходят выставки работ архитекторов.
Куратор проекта – Глеб Соболев, SGA / Sobolev Gleb Architect.
Лекция архитекторов англо-голландского бюро BERGER BARNETT ARCHITECTS (на английском языке с переводом).
Our Lecture Architecture and Context
Our lecture talks about the context of our work broadly within the city of Amsterdam and how this powers our designs. We are working architects, we live by what we do. We see our subject as what surrounds us every day. The site, materials, tools and inhabitants. These provide the narratives on which we build our new propositions.
Our buildings are never complete as such, they require the inhabitation of the clients, and the public to make use of them and to carry them into their future. We will discuss a range of scales in our projects to explore what brings our buildings into being. We prefer to work within the public realm but we see the private as useful to us as designers, in that it can provide a place in which we can explore a more intimate, haptic scale. Our experience of these differing scales is then exploited within our larger public projects where, within the expedient, we strive for the extraordinary.
Who we are Berger Barnett Architects
The investigation of the contextual qualities of any given project is the basis of our design approach. We believe an appropriate design response emerges from an exploration of the cultural, physical, sustainable and social aspects of the site fused with the projects ambition and specific history.
The result is appropriate, and remarkable buildings, that contribute positively to public space and are of long term value to the users, clients and local neighbourhoods. Our buildings display a responsive attention to detail and material, both inside and out.
Our work ranges in scale from the larger and more public to the smaller, more confidential and private. Each scale and point of focus, brings its own priorities and accuracy of tone. Among other projects, we are currently active in the design of schools, which are viewed as neighbourhood hubs, and as a community resource by their host neighbourhoods.
Any site in the city is the result of a multitude of interventions over time, our work contributes to this time line. We need to see and build on what came before, thinking carefully for a future, taking in to where it might possibly go.
Our current projects negotiate the city, with all its differences in users and scale. We have projects that range in location from the relatively ‘new’ extension of post war Amsterdam to the tight intimate spaces to be found in the oldest heart of the city. This offers an opportunity to cross the boundaries of a particular project in developing a reading between each, as well as plundering a unique reading of the city in their specific locality.
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